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Switch & Save

Compare the best deals today

Why Switch Your Provider?

Switch Your Provider have been helping thousands of UK residents since 2018 to get better deals on their energy and broadband supply.

Saving them money on gas and electricity bills, providing access to cheaper, faster internet to the home, or helping them to switch to Green energy all at the touch of a few buttons.

Step 1 - let us know your current provider

Step 2  - review your new quotes

Step 3  - switch your provider in minutes 

Frequently Asked Questions

How likely is it I will actually save money on my bills?

How easy is it to switch your provider?

How long does it take to switch my provider?

Does it cost me anything to use switch your provider?

Highly likely if you choose to use Switch Your Provider, we have access to the market's best deals and suppliers for home utlitiies. 

It's usually a very a simple process, we'll set you up with a supplier and they'll take you through the steps to complete the switch.

It varies between suppliers, but typically you can expect a 1-2 week switching process.

Our service is free to use, our aim is to help UK residents get value and to put money back into your pocket.

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